
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Research Paper competition

 Swami Vivekananda Sardh Shati Samaroh Samiti ,Kokan Prant
 Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science &Commerce
Research Paper competition
“Relevance of Swami Vivekananda’s thought for Nation Building”

About Swami Vivekananda Sardh Shati Samaroh Samiti,
Swami Vivekananda: The Seer of Vibrant India
                  Swami Vivekananda by his sojourn to the western countries starting with his universally acclaimed presentations in Parliament of Religions in 1893 gave self-respect, dignity and purpose to his motherland. On his return he gave a rousing call to India ‘Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.’ His message to India,’ Wake Up, Bharat! Enlighten the World!’ galvanized the whole nation. It triggered national renaissance and inspired many to work in the field of education, social reforms, spiritual service and also fight for the freedom of India.
                The second wave of inspiration from the life and message of Swami Vivekananda was in the year 1963, when his birth centenary was celebrated by the whole nation with a great zeal. As a culmination of the celebrations, whole nation joined together to erect a grand Vivekananda Rock Memorial on the mid-sea Rock at Kanyakumari.
                  The grand celebration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda titled as ‘Swami Vivekananda Sardha Shati Samaroh’ is a great opportunity to take the third wave of his inspiring message to as many as possible. Celebrations would be held from 12th January 2013 to 12th January 2014 with the theme
‘Wake Up, Bharat! Enlighten the World!!’
                     Today, when India is emerging as a great economical and civilizational  power, she has to wake up to her potentialities and learn to use this power to deliver the  message of Spirituality to the world in Vedantic vision of Oneness. The celebrations will be taken up along with all the spiritual and service organizations in the country. For the celebrations, Swami Vivekananda Sardha Shati Samaroh Samitis are being organized at all India level and in each state.

Swami Vivekananda Sardha Shati Samaroh Samiti
Central Celebration Committee
President :- Mata Amritanandmayi , “Amma”Keral
Honorary Chairman :- Dr.Subhash Kashyap – Former Secretary General of 7,8th, 9th Lok Sabha ,Delhi
Secretary :- Prof Aniruddha Deshpande , Pune Academician, Former Principal
Maharashtra State Celebration Committee
President :- Shri Shivshankarbhau Patil , Trustee Gajanan Maharaj Devsthan, Shegao
Vice President :- Shri Jayantrao Salgaokar, Panchangkarte, Kalnirnay
Secretary :- Shri Sudheer Joglekar , Ex editor Loksatta , Marathi Daily

About Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science & Commerce
           Vivekanand Education Society started its educational activities in 1962 with 256 students in a High School. Today the Society runs a Primary and High School, Junior College, Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Polytechnic and Engineering College and a College for Management Studies with over 18,000 students on its roll.
           Vivekanand Education Society's College of Arts, Science and Commerce was established in June 1979. It has now completed 33 years & is permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai. The college completed its second round of reaccreditation by NAAC in February2012 and was awarded A grade with the CPA of 3.12 on a scale of 1-4. Our College has minority status (Sindhi linguistic minority).
VESCASC offers courses leading to Graduation Degrees in conventional B. A., B. Com. & B. Sc streams as well as in professional courses such as B. Sc. (Computer Science) & B.Sc. (Biotechnology), Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS), Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM), B.Sc. (Information Technology), B.Com. (Banking and Insurance) & B.Com. (Financial Markets). Further, we have introduced Post-Graduation courses in subjects such as Accountancy, Microbiology, Chemistry (Organic & Analytical) & a Ph.D. program in Chemistry
             The goal of Vivekanand Education Society's College of Arts, Science and Commerce is to impart Quality Education and contribute towards character building of our students.

About Research Paper Competition
Swami Vivekananda Sardha Shati Samaroh Samiti and Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science & Commerce jointly organizes Research Paper Competition on “Relevance of Swami Vivekananda Thought for Nation Building” and invites research papers. The purpose of the competitions is to make everybody aware about Swami Vivekananda's inspiring life, thoughts and his relevance in today's context.
        Swami Vivekananda is relevant today when the humanity is facing the challenges of modern complexity. Sri Aurobindo wrote, “Vivekananda was a soul of puissance if ever there was one, a very lion among men, but the definitive work he has left behind is quite incommensurate with our impression of his creative might and energy. We perceive his influence still working gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, upheaving that has entered the soul of India and we say, "Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of her children.
            He is relevant today in India when India has emerged as a great economic and civilizational power, but still she has to learn to use this power as a fit vehicle to deliver the message of spirituality to the world. She also has to learn not to fritter away this power in self-aggrandizement or for crushing others but helping the needy in the Vedantic Vision of Oneness.

Guidelines for the Research Paper Competition –

Research Papers are invited on following topics 

v  Swami Vivekananda Thoughts on Education
GOI enacted Right to education bill after 60 years of independence. According to Census 2011 25% are still illiterates. Swami Vivekanada’s thoughts on “Education” may help us at this critical point in time
v  Swami Vivekanand’s vision for  Spirituality and Science
Where is science headed in the 21st century? Do scientists believe that spirituality is the opposite of science? Do spiritual gurus think that science creates monsters and instruments of mass destruction? Has the chasm between spirituality and science widened? Swami Vivekananda explored these questions more than 100 years ago.
v  Women’s issues and Swami Vivekananda
Today women are leading in all walks of life, on the other side atrocities against women such as rapes, dowry deaths, girl foeticide are also increasing. In this context the relevance of Swami Vivekananda’s ideals about Bharatiya Womanhood requires special attention.
v  Message of Swami Vivekananda – Service to Downtrodden service to God
The Planning Commission of India has accepted the Tendulkar Committee report which says that 33% of people in India live below the poverty line (BPL).The Arjun Sengupta Report (from the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector), based on data between the period 1993-94 and 2004–05, states that 77% of Indians live on less than 20 a day  The N.C.Saxena Committee report states, on account of calorific intake apart from nominal income, that 50% of Indians live below the poverty line.

Categories – 1) U.G.Students(UG) 2)P.G.students(PG) 3)Teachers(TC) 4) Media professionals (MP) 5)Open category (OC)

Selected 10 papers 2 from each of the 5 categories will be rewarded in the seminar to be held on 29th September 2013. The awards are Rs 1,000 for first place and Rs 750 for second place in each category. 

Research Paper Competition Rules:
·         An author should grasp the fundamental issues and current issues of todays’ society and try to find out solutions to them from Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts.
·         Research paper should be objective, within word-limit and rational.
·         Each paper must be an original analysis and must be the author's own work. Papers previously published are not eligible.
·         Word limit –2500
·         Fonts  - Shivaji/Shusha size 14 for Devnagari, Times new Roman size 12 MSWord/PDF
·         Last Day of Submission –Monday, 19th August 2013
·         Languages – Marathi/Hindi/English
·         The word document files must be saved using the following title format: SV150 Research Paper Competition – Authors name – Category.
·         UG, PG, Teachers and Media professionals should attach copy of identity card along with papers.
·         Selected papers will be published later along with the report of the seminar to be held on 29th September 2013
·         Selected papers can be published by author only after 6 months.
·         Papers with incorrect references or objectionable language will not be considered.
·         Decision of the referees will be final.
·         Research papers can be sent to following emails - or hard copy to Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Sindhi Society, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071
·         The content of the email must also include:
·         Author Name:
·         Category:
·         Email Address:
·         Telephone Contact:
·         Institution affiliation if any :
·         Copy of identity card of relevant institution
·         Title of Paper:

Contact Us -
Swami Vivekananda Sardha Shati Samaroh Samiti
 “B” Indravadana Co-Op. Hsg. Soc., Padmabai Takkar Marg, Near Kohinoor Mill No.3, 
Near Shivaji Park, Mahim,Mumbai – 400 016, Ph: (022)-24306913
website :
M – 9594961860, 9987918082

Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science &Commerce
Sindhi Society,Chembur Colony, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071
Tel. : +9122 25227470, 252777 91 Fax.: +9122 25227514